Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day two...

I'm jost going to do a quick little blurp!

Today's weight: 184.6. I really don't understand how I weighed less today after everything I ate yesterday. It must just be water loss. 

Anyway, we went grocery shopping today. (By the way if you are in the OKC Metro area and you don't shop at Crest- you need to be!!)  We restocked our pantry and I got most of the stuff I'll need- at least for the first week of this diet. Which, to be honest with you wasn't much; strawberries, kale, lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, chicken, and shrimp. Oh I picked up some green tea, too.

I haven't eaten much today- just some chocolate almond ice cream for breakfast!  I think we will be going to Quiznos in a few. I'm going to pig-out!! :0)

Tomorrow is the big day!!!!!!!!!!!

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. You're a brave girl! I'll be pulling for ya! I've been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and trying to watch what I eat. Done Going on my 2nd week now and haven't seen any results on the scale but I feel better and have more energy.
