Monday, August 9, 2010

Overcoming Discouragement

Just as quickly and easily as you can become discouraged, you can let go of that discouragement. The only power that discouragement has is the power you give it.

Though the challenges are great, you are greater. For you can act and learn and adapt, and act again with even more effectiveness.

If you feel yourself sinking into the false comfort of discouragement, choose instead to stand up. Boldly take a few steps forward, lovingly recall your deepest purposes and your most treasured dreams, and put that discouragement behind you.

Though there is always injustice in the world, there is always even more opportunity to make a positive difference. Though the challenges keep appearing, in each challenge is the chance to create new positive value.

You can decide how your life will be. And you have the power to make it so.

This is your moment to pick your head up, put a smile on your face, and with a quickness and determination in your step, move forward. Look toward your best possibilities, for you are here now to achieve great things.

-- Ralph Marston

This will come in handy over the next few weeks!
My boyfriend is buying me a food scale this morning so I can weigh my 100 grams of food! I honestly have no idea how much 100 grams is, but I'm thinking its not much...
I've had my apple this morning and I am trying to fill up on water.
Hope you all have a great day!
Weight this am: 185.4


  1. what kind of exercise are you doing? Just a few little tips on what I'am doing, and this is coming from my husband who is a huge gym junkie and was on the marine body building team recently. Take a multi-vitamin daily, lots of water, Cardio and lots of it, a recovery drink or supplement for after work out to help repair your muscles, I have tried the new one from Gatorade because its cheap and does not taste too bad. Good luck on day one, its the hardest yet easiest, by day three you will be hurting and im only telling you from experience :)

  2. :0) I am actually doing the hcg, they say not to do any strenuous exercise on this diet. I'm not eating enough calories for it. I know that sounds crazy, but hey if it works... This won't be a long term thing! I plan to do pilates, maybe even try some yoga, and of course get some cardio in there after I am done with the hcg!
